Terms of payment

The standard way for payment is to pay 20 % of the total amount before : 01.02.2023.

Booking after that date, you have to pay 20 % within 14 days after you get your booking confirmed.

Rest of the amount will be to paid within a month before arrival, or you can pay in cash when arrival,

after closer agreement with the housekeeper.

If you cancel your booking within a month before arrival, you get the 20 % back. After that date we keep the 20 %.

If you cancel two weeks or lather before arrival, you have to pay the total amount for the booking.

Please send me an e-mail when your payment is made , and I will confirm immediately.

Information for payment in NOK (Norwegian kroner) :

Name   : Olav Norodd Oppedal
Adress :
Indre Oppedal 27
5961 Brekke , NORWAY

 A/C for international payments:
IBAN nr : NO87 3836 0801 389

Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane
Langebruvegen 12
Postboks 113, 6801 Førde


Information for payment in Euro : (preferred)

 Name   : Olav Norodd Oppedal
Adress :
Indre Oppedal 27
5961 Brekke , NORWAY

A/C for international payments:
IBAN nr : NO21 3707 0119 510

Bank: Sparebanken Sogn og Fjordane

Langebruvegen 12
Postboks 113,
6801 FØRDE


Telephone : 0047 41410649                              Web :    www.sognefjord-feriehus.no                                      Mail : olavlopp@online.no